Monday, June 24, 2013

Final Thoughts

As I think about this week in Kentucky and contemplate about what we did, I realize how small and insignificant we are.  Some of our frustrations with the week was that we accomplished very little; we couldn't fix the poverty we saw, some of the things we did seemed a waste of time.  It is so easy for us to lose sight of God's greater plan.  Yes, what we did may have been small, a drop in a bucket.  But we need to trust in our big, loving God to take our small works, along with the many others, to accomplish His purpose for the people of that community.  It is like the puzzle the kids worked on and were so proud to complete.  One piece by itself is useless.  But when all the pieces, properly  put together, make a beautiful, intricate picture.

     Lord, please take the small pieces of our labor this week and make  a beautiful  picture of your love for the Frakes community.

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